The horcrux (and hallows) hunt begins as the darkest chapter yet in the Harry Potter
It seems an impossible task. Find the Horcruxes (objects enchanted with pieces of Voldemort's soul) and destroy them. All the while not knowing what or where they are or even how to destroy them. All the more while with evil minions on your tail.
If anyone can do it, it's our three intrepid heroes, right? Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who we've followed for ten years from humble beginnings through triumph and tragedy and now on their most dangerous, most important, journey yet. One that may save the world or kill them in the process.
That danger is very real because watching this movie you feel no one is safe. No matter what you've read, that feeling of tension, of not knowing, is rampant through out. No turn, no resting spot, no place is safe. Each place they go in search of horcruxes is fraught with danger. Spies and agents of Voldemort are everywhere. Even the one place they should be safe, with each other, begins to crumble.
This is the wizard world now: dark, grey, terrifying. It isn't safe for anyone who isn't loyal to the Dark Lord, and god help you if you are muggle born.
I'll not go any deeper into the story.
What we have here is a film that improves upon its predecessors in nearly every level. From the directing to the acting to the effects to the script, Deathly Hallows is a giant leap forward. We've watched the three stars grow from little kids to consummate actors and watching this film it makes you realize just how perfectly cast this and all of the films are. These three embody these characters so well that we are fully involved in their harrowing journey. Every wand blast is like a punch in the gut because you just don't know where it will land and if it hits its mark, well, you just aren't prepared for that. Not at all.
This is the first Harry Potter movie where I was on the edge of my seat, pretty much beginning to end.. I've enjoyed all of them, despite being disappointed by the Half Blood Prince, but Deathly Hallows may just be the best of the series. The tension is off the charts, the consequences have never been as dire, and the emotion is palpable.
This is a dark movie, especially by Harry Potter standards but you know it has to be. This is the beginning of the end and these are dark times so having a light hearted family romp is impossible. This is a war and there are casualties. There are scares and don't worry there are laughs to be had, not many mind you, but they're there.
It's not a perfect film. I still feel like they cut the action off too soon. They never seem to let it hit a climax, almost like they're teasing us with glimpses of some epic wizarding battlefield to come. You won't leave unsatisfied, like I did with Prince, but you'll still want more from the action. When you get to the end of the film, you will be near screaming for Part Two.
I was left wondering as to the whereabouts of Maggie Smith's Professor McGonagall as there isn't even a mention of her. There is also a lacking of the other Hogwarts kids. They're missed but honestly this is Harry, Ron, and Hermione's story. It's their journey so I guess we don't need the others. Still, I could always use more Luna.
In the end, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part One) is a crowning achievement in the HP franchise. It's an exciting, emotional, edge of your seat thrill ride that will send fans of the series screaming into the halls begging for Part Two. It is the best acted of the series and takes the franchise to a whole new level. I only wish the previous one was as good. You'll find yourself not wanting it to end but knowing that it must and that is part of the fun.
I have high high hopes for the final film. I am both extremely excited for it and dreading it. I don't want this franchise to end but I hope our final few hours with Harry and Ron and Hermione are as great as this one was.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part One
This review will mark the first time we're using numerical ratings! I decided to adopt a 10 point system. So movies, music, books, games, whatever we review will be out of a possible 10.
Go. Don't go. Nothing I write will make a difference.