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    Resurrection Man Vol 1: Dead Again Review

    Before The New 52, I had never heard of Resurrection Man. It was a short lived series between 1997 and 1999 focusing on Mitchell "Mitch" Shelley, who is resurrected almost immediately after his death. The catch is that Mitch gets a random super power every time he resurrects.

    Fast forward to 2011 where Mitch Shelley is resurrected for his own title in The New 52. This was definitely the dark horse of DC's relaunch. The story is pretty much the same idea along with the Russian roulette of powers. Mitch wakes up in issue #1 with little memory of his previous life. Complete with numerous different powers, many people wanting Mitch permanently dead, and of course lots and lots of death, Resurrection Man has it all!

    It's hard for me to stress how great this title is, but it is just so much fun to read and really different! I'm saddened that there will only be #13 issues (counting the #0 issue this September). Although, I can see where it would be a limited story. Hopefully, we'll see Mitch Shelley resurrect in a crossover later on.

    Volume 1 collects issues #1-7 and is written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (both of Realm of Kings fame). Fernando Dagnino's artwork is nothing short of amazing and is really able to capture so many different styles for Mitch's character.

    Definitely pick up this gem!

    Resurrection Man Vol 1: Dead Again is a solid 10 out of 10 Resurrections!

    0 PC Beasts Commented:

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