Special Features: Day & Night short, Buzz Lightyear Mission Logs, Trivia game, Cine-explore with director and producer, numerous featurettes, commentary, DVD and digital version of the film.
From the box:
The creative minds behind Disney*Pixar's groundbreaking animated blockbusters invite you back inside the toy box for a heartwarming and hilarious High Definition movie experience you'll never forget. In Toy Story 3
As Andy prepares to depart for college, Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the rest of Andy's faithful toys wonder what will become of them. But, when a mix-up lands them at Sunnyside Daycare, they meet a host of new toys and soon discover a wild new adventure is just beginning.
Buzzing with hours of exclusive bonus features including an interactive trivia game, and the Pixar short film Day & Night, Toy Story 3
The gangs all here, well almost all, in the incredible Toy Story 3
The characters are as fresh as ever and the story of these toys comes to a satisfying conclusion. The funny thing is, I never realize just how much I love these movies and characters until I am sitting in front of the screen watching them. Even when I sat down to watch Toy Story 3
The most important part, at least for me, of TS3
The movie is just stunning to see on Blu-ray. The picture is flawless. I had to double check at times to make sure I wasn't wearing 3D glasses. The sound is impeccable and as always Disney has given us numerous special features to dive even deeper into the making of Toy Story 3
The best thing about this movie though isn't the visuals or the sound. It is the deep emotional connection that is forged between the viewer and the story. Even more so if the story parallels events in your own life. It's really hard not to go into detail here because I don't want to spoil anything that happens in this movie. It needs to remain spoiler free so you can really experience the journey and the closure that Toy Story 3
I will say this much: I was weeping at the end. It was an extremely cathartic experience watching this film. It stirred up emotions that I didn't realize were there and to some might seem silly but for me it was a moment where the fact that I am a grown up really hit home.
Toy Story 3
I really hope this is the final movie in the TS franchise. For only one reason: It is the perfect way to say goodbye. I know we'll see these characters again in shorts, which is fine, but to be honest their story has concluded and there isn't anything left to say.
Toy Story 3
I already can't wait to sit down and watch it again.
Toy Story 3
It was a great movie, and yes we all cried.